
So, who am i? First, I love funny movies. Can't get enough of them. If I'm not watching funny films you can often find me posting funny videos to my YouTube channel, or playing video with friends. That's all that I know. Oh, and I also love long walks to and from the fridge and discussing deeper meanings in SpongeBob episode. So yeah, that's pretty much me in a nutshell. Did I mention the funny films? These things are just too much. They are addictive. Let's not talk about me. Let's talk funny films! Did you see the Adam Sandler new movie? Hilarious. Can't get enough of his next one. Funny movies. Truly the pinnacle for entertainment. Did I mention this already? Oops. We made an error. I love funny films. Seriously though, let's talk about funny films rather than boring Film Reviews ol' me. You'll be glad you did.

Online movie sites

Movie Paradiso
Reel Bad
The beary scary life
24-Hour Films
The Jupiter Film Library

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